
Terraria client
Terraria client

terraria client

We extend extreme thanks to for testing all implications associated with this issue. This can, at minimum, be used to avoid server mutes, change names, bypass grief checks based on timeouts and thresholds, and more. Technical exploit details can be found on the git commit. auth supersedes /auth-verify, and if a SuperAdmin exists, then the auth system will be automatically disabled. The first time use auth system has been rebuilt.


  • Security improvement: The auth system is now automatically disabled if a superadmin exists in the database ( Removed the auth-verify command since auth now serves its purpose when necessary ( Security: /" exploit can no longer break chat mute filters ( Fixed an issue where sometimes players could connect briefly during server shutdown, leading to errors ( Fixed wyverns despawning & not behaving like normal Fixed major security issue where InvokeClientConnect could be exploited to do terrible, terrible things ( you only want the security update just update the TerrariaServer executable.
  • Welcome to TShock for Terraria 4.3.20 for Terraria You can "suggest edits" on any page, and send us general feedback on here, on Slack, or on Twitter. Without his help, we wouldn't be using ReadMe right now.Īs always, we accept suggestions on any documentation pages. In particular, Bomber played a critical role in helping with the move. However, we'd like to extend our thanks to everyone who helped move documentation over. Moving to ReadMe is still a work in progress, especially when it comes to the REST documentation. This means that we can update our documentation with each version, and you'll always have the historical record of what changed.

    terraria client

    However, in the top right hand corner, you'll eventually be able to change documentation versions depending on which version you're running. Right now, we have the documentation for the current version of TShock on there. There are some really neat benefits from using ReadMe. The old docs have been retired, and the wiki will eventually be removed. The new docs can be found at and in the navigation bar at the top of the page. We're now using ReadMe.io with a generously provided open source license. We've migrated away from the wiki for documentation.


    It will now always point to /v2/server/status and includes an upgrade field describing the newest status route REST: /v3/players/read now includes a muted field Fixed fishing quests not saving/loading correctly when login before join, UUID login, and SSC were enabled together to note:Īny plugin compiled for an earlier version of TShock must be recompiled to reference this version.īecause of this, any plugin listed as obsolete in the resource manager will NOT work with this version of TShock.Īs always, you can download this release from our Github page.


  • API: Reduced RAM usage by ~80MB (Large server) API: Added TSPlayer.KillPlayer() API: Added TSPlayer.Logout() Fixed connections after max slot is reached Fixed server crashes caused by client disconnections when attempting to read closed sockets ( Added some code to make trapdoors work better AllowCutTilesAndBreakables config option now correctly allows flowers/vines/herbs to be cut in regions without breaking walls REST: /status has been re-added.
  • This would not have been possible without the massively appreciated help of DeathCradle, and his OTAPI project. It's finally here! The event you've all been waiting for!Ĭoming fresh to your servers in 2017, it's the inaugural release of TShock Mintaka!

    Terraria client